How well do you really understand performance and capacity across your teams?

What is the likely impact on demand if we implement changes to our operating model?

What impact has the Covid-19 pandemic had on our workload?

How does productivity vary by team?
What is the likely impact if we implement change
Where are the capacity and capability gaps?

Crime and anti-social
behaviour: National views
and forecasts
Your force
National Data
National Forecast
Your force
Your force forecast
Crimes & ASB analysis
% Outcomes analysis
Control Panel

Using bespoke software
and expert analysis,
Poliscope Local modelling gives forces –
Modelling & forecasting
We build a model based on your current operations and performance, allowing you to look forward and forecast changes in total demand, key drivers of demand and outcomes, and understand how individual, team and force workloads may change in the future.
Deep dives
We explore key areas of demand and performance, using our model to help you to develop better ways to manage workload and improve outcomes. This analysis covers the performance of the whole force or focuses on specific teams, crime types and policy changes over time.
Scenario testing
We test out how changes in deployments or resourcing could affect force capacity and capability, and we identify what changes in process, prioritisation or policy may be required to achieve specific outcomes on particular crime types.
Ask for a demo of Poliscope Local or try out our National model

Deeper operational knowledge to inform deployments, priorities, use of technology and workforce planning
➝ More assurance when taking strategic decisions

Compelling evidence for performance frameworks and other statutory requirements e.g. PEEL inspections
➝ Evidence-based forecasting for Force Management Statements

More robust information for financial planning, investment and business case development
➝ Greater chances of successful funding bids

Actionable insights to engage and inform stakeholders, partners and communities
➝ Higher levels of trust, confidence and influence
Poliscope's benefits
The Poliscope method

We take 5 years of crime and control room data and use bespoke software to break it down into 50+ categories of crime and non-crime demand
We gather qualitative insights through listening to and surveying officers and staff and use these to translate volume of demand into practical workload
We incorporate workload pathways and outcomes into the model and apply a range of statistical methods to forecast future workload and performance
We refine this data-led forecasting with our in-house policing experts and share with forces for review, feedback and challenge
We place the final model in our online testing environment where forces can alter deployments, screening rates and other inputs to explore the impact on workload and outcomes
Case studies
In 2019, Nottinghamshire Police (like many forces in England and Wales) faced a perfect storm of increasing demand and declining outcomes.
Bedfordshire Police used Poliscope modelling and forecasting to support their case for £8million of additional Home Office funding.